Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Are you....


I saw these bad boys in an e-mail newsletter today from and almost fell out of my computer chair.....Gorgeous!

Balenciaga, I love you!!!!

Yes I posted about shoes only today - They were just too fly to pass up. I know you've come across a pair that made you think of doing illegal things to get them.

Now you know you are NOT the only one LOL! Enjoy Lovelies!

- Just a thought...


Melinda said...

I LOVE them, Candace! Unfortunately, I live in Florida and wouldn't have much opportunity to wear them! Darn. ;0)

Unknown said...

Those are great boots. Wow. I think I Need a nice pair and this is just the time to shop for them.

Candace Sheppard said...

I with you melinda - that's what I hate about Florida - it's too hot to try and look good. Tanks and flip flops r' us for me! But it is nice to dream...

Go head Renee whatever you buy enjoy them for me and you!

Cyndi said...

Those are some hot boots! I have come across a pair of shoes that I thought about doing illegal things to get. The angels sang and a bright light shone down upon them, right there in Macy's. I bought them. I had no other choice. :)

Candace Sheppard said...

LOL! Enjoy them!

confused homemaker said...

I love those, I am drooling over my keyboard right now!

Visiting from MBC

sarasophia said...


Very nice:)

<3 sarasophia