While there is no installment for today's Awww...Inspiring moms The Forgotten Mom is finally getting a much needed... MAKEOVER!!!!
Over at the Mom Bloggers Club I finally found a way to re-do my whole blog without hurting my pockets - Can you say FREE!!! Louise over at Adori Graphics is getting started and I hope you all
love what we have in store. Until then I have put a hold on uploading anymore interviews - I am SURE you have already noticed the lack of posting LOL but stayed tuned it's going to be fantabulous!
Just a little update on me and the munchkin.... she is going to turn three in just a few weeks and I feel as though I am going crazy. I am happy but sad all at the same time. Do you know what I mean? I can't help but come to tears while thinking of when I had her or looking at old pictures and I just can't believe that three years has gone by this fast! Well at least they were all happy & healthy years and God willing there is still more to come. It just keeps me on my toes when I need to be sure that I am spending time with her (while she's still small & growing) now.
For those of you who are too busy to get down on the ground and just be silly with your kids today, try it you never know what memories you will create while you still have the time with them! P.S. don't forget whether you take time today, tomorrow or next week, do it and just for you!
- Just a thought....
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